
Research and Intership

Experiences and Activities

Class Projects

Honors and Awards

Relevant Courses

Catalog NumberCourse TitleQuarter TakenInstructor
COM SCI M226Machine Learning in BioinformaticsFall 2022Prof. Sriram Sankararaman
COM SCI 130Software EngineeringSpring 2022Prof. Michael Burns
COM SCI 143Data Management SystemsFall 2021Prof. Junghoo Cho
COM SCI 188Deep Learning for Computer VisionWinter 2022Prof. Bolei Zhou
COM SCI 180Introduction to Algorithms and ComplexitySpring 2021Prof. Cho-Jui Hsieh
COM SCI 188Computer VisionWinter 2021Prof. Achuta Kadambi
MATH 270ATechniques of Scientific ComputingFall 2022Prof. Rishi Sonthalia
MATH 164OptimizationSpring 2022Prof. RIshi Sonthalia
MATH 132HComplex Analysis (Honors)Spring 2022Prof. Brian Lawrence
MATH 131BHAnalysis (Honors)Spring 2021Prof. Monica Visan
MATH 131AHAnalysis (Honors)Winter 2021Prof. Monica Visan
MATH 115AHLinear Algebra (Honors)Fall 2020Prof. Jonathan Rubin
STATS 231BMethods of Machine LearningWinter 2022Prof. Yingnian Wu
STATS 115Probabilistic Decision MakingFall 2021Prof. Tao Gao
STATS 100CLinear ModelsFall 2020Prof. Nicolas Christou

Technical Skills

Python, C/C++, Shell Script, R, Matlab, Git, LaTeX, MySQTL, HTML/CSS, React